DJ Cole |
A&RBC: How did you become a writer?
RD Davis-I knew when I was younger I had stories I wanted to tell, but I was unsure how to. One night I was hanging with DJ Cole and another friend and the events of the night seemed like a movie. I went home and what was in my head, I put into a story. The next day I told DJ Cole about it and she added more spice to it. We combined our ideas and visions and the rest is history.
DJ Cole- Well for me, I wrote small stories and poetry growing up. I used writing as an outlet for my real life. As I got older I read Omar Tyree’s Fly Girl and was hooked on urban fiction. I then read all of Zane’s books, Noire, Vickie Stringer, and Nikki Turner. I was hooked on reading. So when RD said she wanted to write I was not only supportive, I had to join in.
A&RBC: What are you hoping readers take from your book?
DJ & RD: This book is about friendship, loyalty and trust. Our also story shows how easily life can take a turn for the worse. We want to take our readers on a trip into a different life and allow the reader to walk in the character’s shoes. The story we tell may be different, but the message is the same. Even the best of friends can fall out, how you handle the issues makes the difference as to how far it can go wrong. Relationships are unique and loyalties should be trusted.
A&RBC: If you were to write a book about a controversial topic, what would it be?
DJ: If RD and I were to write a book on a controversial topic it would be Bisexual or gay relationships. It’s 2013 and men and women are in bisexual, gay and lesbian relationships. However, there are still some people who are appalled and distraught about same sex relationships.
A&RBC: Are you an avid or occasional reader? If so, what is your favorite genre of books?
RD Davis- DJ is the avid reader between us. She reads all the time and everything. I am an occasional reader. I do love Terry McMillian and Zane. I just started reading Pimp by Iceberg Slim and Desperate Hoodwives by Meesha Mink.
RD Davis |
DJ Cole- I do read all the time, but urban fiction is my favorite. I also love erotic tales. There’s nothing like reading a book and each page forces you to the next page because you have to know what’s happening next. I prefer urban fiction because it reminds me a lot of where I’m from. So I can relate to some of the issues. Some friends and family may
have gone through similar things. Now Erotic tales is just me being into sex. As a Sagittarius I love learning about sex and sharing what I know to enhance my sexual relationship. Sex Therapist may be in my future. Lol
A&RBC: If you could interview one of your favorite authors, who would it be? Why?
RD Davis - I would interview Zane. I want to know the real inspiration behind all those steamy stories.
DJ Cole – I would interview Ashley & JaQuavis. Their books are excellent. I love the way two different people mold together their ideas and create perfect drama heat and passion.
A&RBC: If you could make a movie out of one of your books, which one would it be?
DJ & RD: Currently we have only written one book, but Games, Lies & Deceit would be perfect for a movie. The characters come to life. Page after page you can actually see everything happening.
A&RBC: Which marketing/promotions or publicity strategy has worked best in your favor?
DJ & RD: Word of mouth and flyers seem to be strong for us now. We are looking into other promotional strategies. This is our first book so we’re still learning the ropes.
A&RBC: Which do you like better traditional or self-publishing? Why?
DJ & RD: We like self-publishing because we have more control over what we put out. We’re not bound to someone else’s ideas as to what we can or cannot say. The downside is that it falls on us if something goes wrong. But it’s a good thing, learning all the aspects of publishing. This keeps us on our toes and learning more daily about the business.
A&RBC: What new projects are you working on?
DJ & RD: We are working on a book called Shadows in the Dark. It’s about a woman who had a one nightstand and the guy begins to stalk her. Because it was a one night stand she can’t tell anyone what is going on. On top of that the other character’s past begins to catch up with them and everyone’s skeletons start to fall out of the closets.
A&RBC: Where can readers find you?
DJ & RD: We are on Facebook, twitter, Linked, MySpace and pintrest. We also have a blog called DJ’s Views. We will be at a book festival in Carrollton, GA on April 13 and the New York Book festival in June. www.facebook/Divapublishing.
About The Book
Melissa Robinson is the reason Desiree’, Leza and Samantha began a friendship. Melissa dated Samantha’s dad, and when she watched Desiree’, she took her niece Leza. This began the bond of a lifetime. Melissa reunited the girls, this time with a funeral.
Desiree’ Baldwin is absolutely gorgeous. Her husband David Baldwin is handsome and a very successful executive vice president at National City bank. David is very abusive physically and emotionally. The only thing he does right is providing financially. Poor Desiree’ is very naïve and puts up with her husband’s behavior.
Leza Robinson is a single mom and the owner of The Bed & Breakfast Inn, in New Wilmington, PA. When Leza was a young girl, Adrian (Leza’s mom) hardly took care of her, so Melissa stepped in. Adrian ran the streets so Leza had plenty time to run wild. Adrian was missing in action until the day of Melissa’s funeral.
Leza met Victor Langston who was a big drug dealer. He took Leza in and started taking care of her. Leza became Victor’s main girl and drug runner. Things went bad when Victor started using drugs. He became abusive and out of control. He started raping and beating Leza. On her last drug run, she ran away and stole 200,000 dollars. After leaving, she found out she was pregnant with Alana.
Samantha Rose is a true product of her environment. Unlike Desiree’ and Leza, she had no role model. Once Melissa left her life, there was nothing positive to look forward to. Samantha’s dad was a pimp and a drug user. Sam lost her Mom to drugs when she was just a little girl. When Samantha turned sixteen she went into the family business. From that point on Sam turned into her dad minus the drug problem. She looked at life with the attitude of either kill or be killed. Sam was mad respected throughout Youngstown, OH. She ran a modeling agency that doubled as an escort service to every hood figure in the city. Sam was a hood chick to the fullest and everyone in the Yo knew it. She is well connected and could handle any situation that came her way. At least that is what she thought until drama begins to unfold among her friends.
Desiree’ and David get into a fight and the next day Desiree’ goes to get some clothes from home. She was rudely surprised when she catches David and the woman she was told was his cousin (Roslyn) in her bed together. Desiree’ calls Leza and Sam over and all of them continued to argue until David is shot and dies. Sam takes care of the cleanup and didn’t report the murder. Desiree started popping pills to cope with David‘s death. Sam goes to take care of her business with her best homie Lamar at the party. The police show up at the party and arrest Sam for Suspicion of Prostitution. Sam is paranoid that Desiree’ is snitching and decides to kill her.
To everyone’s surprise Victor is one of Lamar’s runners. Victor makes a move on Desiree’ when he shows up at Leza’s home unannounced. Lamar is angry with Victor for taking an advantage of Sam’s girl and he secretly wants her for himself, plus Victor had disrespected him. Sam and Lamar set Victor up for David’s murder and uses Roslyn to do so.
Sam and Leza have a shoot-out and Desiree’ and Sam both get shot. Leza gets arrested and thinks that both her friends are dead. Her mom shows up at the jail and surprises her with the news that both women survived. In the end Victor goes down for murder and rape.